Here’s a short video, shot in Tignes over the Christmas period, by a fellow ‘compadre’ of mine, James Sweet snowboarding. James also works within the snowsports and surfing industry like…
Buying a Snowboard – Basic Guide
I’m often asked when coaching, what type and style of snowboard is best to buy. This is especially the case when coaching freestyle and more so when instructing beginners. Choosing…
Definition Camps 18/19th Dec Milton Keynes
Wow, what a weekend! We had the whole place to ourselves both Saturday and Sunday with more snow outside than in..! Drake demo snowboards and bindings were available again this…
Definition Camps 4/5th Dec Hemel Snow Centre
A little late but the video is up from the Definition 2 day freestyle course held at Hemel Snow Centre on the 4th and 5th of December. Well done to…
How to Frontside 180 on a snowboard – Heel Edge
A visual tutorial on how to do a frontside 180 on a snowboard off the heel edge.
Stress & Snow Sports, how to control it – BASI ISIA written work
Around September 2009 I began thinking of what to write my written project about. As well as numerous other modules, one requirement of my BASI ISIA snowboard qualification was to…
Blurburger iPhone Wallpapers – Pete Joison
Just after getting my iPhone, at the beginning of the summer, I went on a hunt for some wallpapers for it. After a bit of searching I came across a…
Drake Snowboards & Defintion Camps get festive!
Since we’re less than 2 weeks away from Christmas, Drake Snowboards and Definition Camps thought it only fair to give out a few pressies recently. Over the weekend, Milton Keynes…
iStat Pro 4.92
If you like knowing what’s going on with your mac then you’ll love iStat Pro. It is a dashboard widget that gives numerous read outs about your mac such as:…
Recommended WordPress Plugins
Since the site has been up and running a while now it would only be fair to credit those involved in it’s creation / design and on going help and…
Snowboarding freestyle trick FAQ
Here I will be adding in any questions and answers that I have received relating to the snowboard how to tricks I have posted up in the Freestyle Tips &…
How to Nollie Backside 180 on a snowboard
A visual tutorial on how to do a nollie backside 180 on a snowboard.