…this Gyre is similar to the North Pacific Gyre by way that this gyre traps man-made ocean debris in the North Atlantic Garbage Patch, similar to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in the North Pacific

Toward the end of June we had some strong swell hit the UK and unfortunately it brought some unwanted guests with it. I’m not talking about the jelly fish, although there were quiet a few in the water, but referring to rubbish or as it is technically known, “Marine debris”.

After looking into this subject, it lead me to information on the North Atlantic Gyre and the North Atlantic Garbage Patch

The North Atlantic Garbage Patch is a newly discovered area of marine debris (human-created waste) found floating within the North Atlantic Gyre and collects ocean debris from hundreds of miles around, posing a serious threat to fish, sea birds, marine reptiles, and marine mammals, as well as to boats and coastal habitations

It seams that no matter where you are in the world these days, you’re always going to feel the effect of ocean dumping. And with so many coast places dependent on tourism, this is often taboo subject.

Both of the above articles are defiantly worth a read.

Talking of water: check out this web site. The site itself is pretty impressive and developed using flash. Some very interesting and eye opening facts. waterlife