End of Season Snowboard Sale

What Snowboard setup would you Buy if you were given £500

the snowboard shop saleNow that the season has passed half way point, various outlets and shops will be preparing for their spring sales of winter gear. So, I think it’s time for a little hypothetical question.

Imagine you were walking past a snowboard shop and the shop owner came running out. He charges up to you and says – ‘It’s your lucky day – I’m going to give you anything in my shop up to the value of £500′!

You’ve got 1 hour to choose what ever you want, bearing in mind that it has to be a complete set up. Hardware and outwear clothing – everything minus the base layers and socks – what would you get?

You can get as many different products/makes as you like as long as they total up to £500 or less.

Since The Snowboard Shop in Fleet have already started their sale, lets go straight ahead and use their site www.thesnowboardshop.co.uk/sale. Sure Darren won’t mind….!

I’ve got my eyes on that Nike Proost down jacket so hands off! Saying that, I would love to hear what you decided to go for, so feel free to leave a comment and share your set up.