About Me

chris skinner snowboard coach BASI ISIA


My name is Chris Skinner, based out of the UK I work as a freelance snowboard instructor, surf coach, front-end programmer (and part-time blogger!)

I work for Snowboard Coach at selected indoor domes throughout the UK and in Arinsal, Andorra during the winter months where I help run instructor training weeks, performance and freestyle weeks. Read more about these and other courses they offer here


I started coaching snowboarding back in 2001 and since have amassed 11 winter seasons of full time coaching. Originally Canadian qualified, I entered the British snowboarding system (BASI) in 2008 and in September 2010 gaining my full BASI ISIA Level 3 snowboarding qualification.

I also work as a freelance front-end developer and showcase my work at chrisskinner.co.


In 2009 I set myself the task of developing a quirky / fun blog with a strong foundation set on snowboarding instruction. The end goal being to share this information, to both inspire and develop snowboarders snowboarding skills.

This mission still stands today with the plan to continue adding new and informative material..

In a nut shell “KeyAspectsCoaching helps develop snowboarders’ technical level of understanding through means of written and visual tutorials, health & fitness and bio-mechanics articles”.

Twitter | Linkedin | Email: chris at keyaspectscoaching dott com